Final: Dice

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Paragraph.<font color="#000000" face="Verdana"><h3>Dice</h3></font><br>
<embed src="" width="320" height="240" autostart="false"><br>

Engineering Design Process

Step 1. The first major problem I encountered during the final was getting the dice to rotate on the X plane

Step 2. After trying to solve the problem by myself I asked Mr. Croke how to fix it

Step 3. He recomended I edit the keyframes. this didn't work either

Step 4. The best solution I could find was to delete them all and start over

Step 5. I deleted them all and recreated the keyframes and made sure that they rotated only on the X axis

Step 6. I tested the new animation and it worked

step 7. I told Mr. croke and he said OK

Step 8. There was no step 8 because of the limited time we were given

Twelve Things I Learned This Year 

1. how to use the basics of Rhino

2. How to make a Weebly website

3. How to render using Flamingo

4. How to how to use Window's Movie Maker

5. How to meet a deadline for Rhino projects

6. Not to start my renders at the begining of class

7. Not to try to do things that might make Rhino crash such as Array 1,000,000 things at once

8. The steps of the Engineering Design Process

9. The teacher is always right even when he is Wrong!!!   :)

10. How to animate using Bongo

11. How to Solve most of my problems on Rhino without Croke's help

12. How to have a good time in Mr. Croke's class without being too disrespectful