Universal design is a relatively new paradigm that emerged from "barrier-free" or "accessible design" and "assistive technology." Universal design strives to be a broad-spectrum solution that produces buildings, products and environments that are usable and effective for as many people as possible, not just people with disabilities. UD is basically designing something that can be used by the greatest number of people. For my project I designed an airplane that has wide doors and halls so that people with wheelchairs can get around easily.  


Dumb Project

Because UD is not specifically for disabled people this project was pointless!!!!! The majority of the people are not disabled thus there would be no reason for a spray bottle that could be used by the disabled (for example). UD makes production and maintenance costs go way up which is why companies don't want to do it.


Overall I felt this project was a waste of time. The only good thing I got out of this project was I learned was how to use the surface from network of curves command. With that I was able to create the wings of the plane very easily. I feel that decals would have made my final product look alot better and would make it more realistic. I did try to put decals on the airplane, but there were not enough from the same airliner for me to put on my plane.